Shichinin no Choushogun Hen Chapter 2 Script. --------------------------------------- Shichinin-02-1.jpg & Shichinin-02-2.jpg --------------------------------------- Issue 119: "Comic World" Title (in brackets): "Gathered! The Four Choushouguns" Box: "Chapter 2" Series Title: "Tale of the Seven Choushoguns" Hiten Gundam: "Please stop!" Hiten Gundam: "It's still not the time for you to go out!" Hiten Gundam: "You have to obey your father's commands!" Musha Victory: "Mother, now is the time more soldiers are needed!" Narration: "Victory" Musha Victory: "Please explain to father!" Musha Victory: "Father..." Voice: "...and so" Kouki Gundam: "That was what I heard from the mysterious voice. Now there are four that are blessed with the Crystal of Light." Kouki Gundam: "That voice also mentioned that there is a total of seven Choushouguns." Shinsei Daishougun: "Alright I understand! You are now all officially recognized as Choushouguns. Today the army will take a change in action. Promptly proceed to Mt. Anaheim!!" Everyone: "Aye!" Musha Victory (thought): "Alright, this is it!" Juuoh Gundam: "...though the condition that we can take a breather out in the open is good." Narration: "Juuoh Gundam" Juuoh Gundam: "What can four people do?" Kouki Gundam: "Suddenly became Choushouguns too..." Raimei Gundam: "He's still following us." Narration: "Raimei Gundam" Narration: "Tenchi Gundam" Tenchi Gundam: "The fact that he's the Daishougun-sama's son means he can specially handle himself." Everyone: "Aah..." Narration: "Resurrected Orochi Bygzam" Orochi Bygzam: "GYEEEEAAA~~" Kouki Gundam: "We weren't told about guys like this!" Kouki Gundam: "We'll escape, but it'll be our victory!" Raimei Gundam: "No sense in fighting a meaningless battle!" Orochi Bygzam: "GEH!" Musha Victory: "Eh? Huh? Everyone..." Musha Victory: "A, alright. I'll show everyone!" Musha Victory: "Taa!" Musha Victory: "Uwaaaah!" Narrator: "Until next time!"