====Zero=== Zero, Move F/G/H [F] Melee [H] D.O.M. Hostia- EN Damage 314159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510, disables seishins. (Deo optiom maximo hostia「偉大な神への生贄」"Sacrifice to the Great God") [X] Geass Barrier? [X] DR -% ===Nightmare of Nunnally=== Mark Nemo [F] Katana [H] Blonde Knife [X] Countercut: Katana, Blonde Knife [X] Countershoot: Blonde Knife [X] Split Image (3/4) [X] Type: Nightmare Frame [X] Future Thread Reading* Code Geass [F] Katana? [+] Anti-Particle Blast [H] Blonde Knife [?] [X] Countercut: Katana, Blonde Knife [X] Countersehoot: Blonde Knife [X] Split Image (3/4) [X] Type: Nightmare Frame [X] Future Thread Reading* [X] Evo from Mark Nemo ===Irregulars Squad=== GX-01a "Alice's Knightmare" [F] Saber x2 [X] Knightmare [X] Split Image (3/4) [X] Geass Conduction Circuit: The Speed [X] C.C. Cells Injection: Evade all attacks for 2 turns. Only once per battle. GX-01b? "Dalk's Knightmare" [F] Melee [H] Rock/Building/etc Throw [X] Knightmare [X] Damage Received -75% [X] Damage Received -1000 [X] Geass Conduction Circuit: The Power [X] C.C. Cells Injection: ? GX-01c? "Lucrezia's Knightmare" [?`] ? [X] Knightmare [X] You take no terrain penalties. All enemies gain no terrain bonuses. [X] Geass Conduction Circuit: The Land [X] C.C. Cells Injection: ? GX-01d? "Sanchia's Knightmare" [+] Giant Sniper Rifle [X] Knightmare [X] Target's Agi -90% [X] Geass Conduction Circuit: The Odd [X] C.C. Cells Injection: ? ===Edenvital Directorate=== Vincent Geass Conduction Circuit Type [F] Twin MVS [F] impact thinger [+] Hadron Cannon, x uses (hadron equipment) [X] Knightmare [X] Geass Conduction Circuit: ? (Not-Tristan) [F] All-Range Variable MVS Harken (X) [X] Knightmare ===Other=== Gawain (?) Lancelot (doesn't seem any different so far)