Poltan, Size S, Move G [H] Daikaiten Madan [F] Katana [X] Holographic Camouflage Percurio, Size LL, Move F [+] Metronome Missile, 8 rounds [+30%] [H] Boshbosh [+20%], Armor Break Ptulone [F] Magnet Screw Arm [+30%] [+] Electromagnetic Cyclone, Mob Break [+10%] P Vater, Size M Move G [+] Pile Driver, Armor Break [+10%] [F] Chainsaw Arm Pranus, Size M Move F/G [+] Missile [+] Maser Cannon [F] Spear [X] Shield: Maser Cannon, Missile ====The Database=== ディセイバー: The most powerful warriors created with the Knowledge Recorders' technology, based on Aria. (Deceiver?) アルムストラ・フィーニス Arm Arcus Finis フィーニス EN Regen M Status Immunity Same weapons, stronger stats トートゥム・スクロペトゥム Valarm Size L, 90000HP 400 EN, 1800 AMR, 90Mob, Move F/G Status Immunity EN Regen M [+] Sphere Laser Focus (SX)- Mobility Break [H] Remote Drill Burst- damage x 2 + damage, EN Damage [F] Final Hawk Strike, Weapon Break Proton Nova Drive Scientia Status Immunity EN Regen L 200000HP, 450EN, 1900AMR,60Mob, Move F/G, Size LL サルース・ル−メン (I:20) [+35%], Mob Break サルース・ル−メン [+45%], Mob Break サンクティオ・ハスタ [+40%], Armor Break Countercut: Sanctio Hastur Proton Nova Drive Mode Centaurus Sapientia Status Immunity EN Regen L 300000HP Aeternum Lumen (I:20) [+35%] Aeternum Lumen [+45%] Fatum Creare (Latin: Fate Creation) ====Tekkaman==== ====Evoluder==== Commander Zoa, Move F/G, Size SS, HP Regen S, EN Regen L 92000 HP, 350 EN, 2000 Armor, 110 Mob Beam Gun, 20 rounds [+20%] Anti-Matter Cannon [+0%] Melee Anti-Matter Cannon (S) [+10%] Mobile Fortress Zoma 100000HP, 500 EN Anti-Matter Cannon [+10%] Anti-Matter Cannon MAP [+0%] Orgun Grand Cross Attack Grand Cross Attack MAP (D:6) ====PoD=== HM Black Salena HM Unit Purge, Barrier Pierce [+30%] Black Salena Armor Purge, Barrier Pierce [+30%]